Wednesday, December 12, 2007

wanna smoke???

i'm in love with japan....everybody already knows it...but, man! look at these cigarettes...they are not only PINK (my favourite color!), but they also are VANILLA flavor...isn't it the perfect combination of cool-kitsch??? and i guess they fit perfectly those cute japanese girls in their pink fluffy clothes...wonderful!!! pink elephant...great local branding strategy!!!


Giuseppe Gatto said...

quando hai nostalgia dell'Italia se hai qualche minuto... e visto che ami leggere, approfitterei biecamente per segnalarti il mio blog di racconti e storie:, ... mi passi a trovare! :-)

grazie e ciao


Adam said...

Heh heh heh... you're right Milano - that has to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen... I don't even smoke and I want to pop one of those things into my mouth!

The fact that it's vanilla flavored is just the frosting on the cake~

You should show that to your teachers - I'd love to hear what they say about that~